Travel quickly to Corsica with Tirrenair: Bastia, Ajaccio, Figari.

General conditions of carriage

General Conditions of Carriage

Article 1 - Conditions of the contract of carriage

1.1. Carriage performed under this contract may be governed by the Warsaw Convention or the Montreal Convention, which, in general, limits the liability of the Carrier in the event of death or personal injury, as well as in the event of loss or damage of luggage, or delay.

1.2. Insofar as their content does not conflict with the above, any transport performed and any other service provided by the Carrier are governed by the provisions contained in these conditions, the applicable rates, the applicable regulations, which are deemed to be an integral part of these and may be consulted by the Passenger on request.

1.3. The name of the Carrier may be written in abbreviation on the Ticket, the full name and its abbreviation appearing in the Carrier's tariffs, Conditions of Carriage, regulations or schedules; the address of the Carrier is that of the departure airport appearing on the ticket next to the first abbreviation of the Carrier's name; the scheduled stops (subject to change by the Carrier if necessary) are those indicated on this Ticket or that appear on the timetable of the Carrier like regular stops on the Passenger itinerary; the transport to be carried out by several successive Carriers is supposed to constitute a single operation.

1.4. The exclusions or limitations of the Carrier's liability will apply and benefit its agents, servants or representatives as well as any person whose aircraft is used by the Carrier to perform the transport, as well as to the agents, servants or representatives of such person.

1.5. Checked Baggage will be given to the bearer of the Baggage Check. In the event of damage caused to the baggage during international or non-international transport, your complaint must be made in writing to the Carrier immediately after the discovery of the damage or, at the latest, within seven days of their receipt; in case of delay, the complaint must be made within twenty-one days from the date of delivery of the Baggage.

1.6. Unless otherwise provided in the said Ticket or the Carrier's applicable tariffs, conditions of carriage and regulations, the validity of the Ticket is strictly limited to the planned trip and may in no case exceed one year. The Carrier is entitled to refuse transport if the applicable rate has not been paid.

1.7. Any modification concerning the identity of the Carrier will be brought to the attention of the Passenger, at the latest during check-in or boarding. In the event of non-compliance with this information obligation, the Passenger may cancel the transport contract and will be in a position to obtain a refund of the amount paid without penalties on our part. In addition, if the Carrier notified to the Passenger is registered on the Community list, and is subject to a ban after the conclusion of the contract, we will take the necessary measures to offer you an alternative flight as far as possible. If, however, we are unable to find a new Carrier, we will refund your Ticket in accordance with the provisions of Article 12.3 of these conditions.

Article 2 - Definitions

For the purposes of these conditions and with the exception of exceptions, the following terms are used with the meaning indicated below:International Agreements (IIA and MIA) of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) mean inter-carrier agreements relating to air carrier liability, signed on 31 October 1995 in Kuala Lumpur (IIA) and on 3 April 1996 in Montreal (IIA) on 3 April 1996 in Montreal (MIA), which are applicable by carriers members of the International Air Transport Association (see IIA) ATA) since 1 April 1997 and which fall within the legal framework of international texts on carrier liability referred to under points (a) to (d) of the term “convention” defined below.

refers to the operation by which the Carrier having concluded a Contract of Carriage with the Passenger (“contractual carrier”) delegates to another Carrier (“actual carrier”) the burden of carrying out all or part of the air transport. Also refers to the operation by which any other passenger contractor (for example a travel organizer) entrusts a Carrier with the task of ensuring all or part of the Air Transport.

Accredited Agent or Authorized Agent
refers to a natural or legal person whom we have approved to represent us in the sale of air tickets on our lines (stopover representative, travel agencies).

refers to the accompanying pet animal, in the cabin or in the hold, the passenger who is either the owner or a natural person who assumes responsibility for it on behalf of the owner during the trip.

Voluntary stop
refers to a stop scheduled by you during your trip: a stopover located between the point of departure and the point of destination and appearing on the ticket or in the timetable.

see “Person entitled to compensation”.

refer to your effects and other personal items accompanying you during your trip. Unless otherwise specified, this term refers to both your Checked Baggage and your Unchecked Baggage.

Checked baggage
refers to the Baggage that we have accepted to be kept in the hold and for which we have issued a Baggage Check/Identification Form.

Unchecked Baggage or “Cabin Baggage”
means any Baggage, other than checked baggage. This Baggage remains under your care and sole responsibility.

means the valid document establishing the right to transport and entitled “Passage ticket” in electronic form issued by TIRRENAIR or by our agent authorized by us or on our behalf. It constitutes the Contract of Carriage, includes the Flight Coupons, the notices to the Passenger and includes, by reference, the General Conditions of Carriage.

Complementary ticket
means a Ticket issued for you, in conjunction with another Ticket and which together constitutes a single Contract of Carriage (ticket for your pet for example).

Electronic ticket
means the electronic Flight Coupon or any other document of the same value issued by us or our authorized agent, held in our database.

Baggage check
refers to the parts of the Ticket relating to the transport of your Checked Baggage.

Carrier Designation Code
refers to the code Assigned by IATA, identifying each carrier member of this organization in two or more alphabetic, numerical or alphanumeric characters and appearing on the Ticket attached to the flight number.

Transport contract
refers to the statements contained in your Ticket, or in the Itinerary-Received (Travel Memorandum), and which incorporate these General Conditions of Carriage, as well as the notices to the Passenger.

Convention means, as the case may be:
the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air, signed in Warsaw on 12 October 1929 (the Warsaw Convention).
(b) the Hague Protocol of September 28, 1955, modifying the Warsaw Convention.
(c) the Guadalajara Complementary Convention of 18 September 1961.
(d) the Montreal Protocols Nos. 1, 2 and 4 (1975), modifying the Warsaw Convention.
(e) the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air, signed in Montreal on 28 May 1999 (hereinafter referred to as “Montreal Convention”).

means an electronic Coupon, which includes the name of the passenger who must make a flight identified on the Coupon.

Passenger Coupon or Passenger Receipt
means the part of the Ticket, issued by TIRRENAIR or our agent authorized by us or on our behalf, that is identified as such and to be retained by you.

Flight coupon
refers to the electronic voucher containing the name of the passenger and indicating the precise points of your trip: city of departure/city of arrival.

Electronic coupon
refers to an electronic Flight Coupon or any other document of the same value, held in our database.

Special Declaration of Interest
means the statement made by the Passenger at the time of handing over the Baggage to be checked in, specifying a value greater than that set as the limit of liability laid down by the Convention, and in return for the payment of an additional sum.

covers damage arising in the event of death or personal injury that a passenger may suffer or resulting from a delay, total or partial loss, or any other harm arising as a result of Air Transport, as defined below, or in direct connection with Air Transport, as defined below, or in direct connection with it or with other services.

Special Drawing Right (SDR)
refers to a unit of account of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), whose value is determined periodically by the latter, based on the rates of several reference currencies.

Intermediate stops
refers to the points, except the points of origin and destination, indicated on the Ticket or mentioned on our timetables as planned stops on your itinerary.

Luggage tag
refers to the part of the Ticket that relates to the transport of your Checked Baggage.

Force Majeure
refers to circumstances foreign to the person who invokes it and who provides evidence of them, which are abnormal and unforeseeable, the consequences of which could not have been avoided despite all the efforts made.

Cancellation fees
refers to the fees that will be invoiced in the event of voluntary cancellation on your part, and/or linked to the conditions of application of certain rates.

Change fees
refer to the fees that will be invoiced in the event of a voluntary change on your part, and/or linked to the conditions of application of certain rates.

Issuance or application fees
means fees invoiced, where applicable, to the Passenger, by the Carrier or its Authorized Agent in return for the service of issuing the Ticket. Their amount is fixed by the issuer of the Ticket (the Carrier or the Authorized Agent, as the case may be).

Service fees
means fees invoiced, where applicable, to the Passenger by the Carrier and/or by its Authorized Agent in particular in return for the modification (“Modification Fees”), the reissuance (“Reissue Fees”) or the reimbursement (“Reimbursement Fees”) or reimbursement (“Refund Fees”) of a Ticket.
The Passenger is informed by the Carrier of the amount of the applicable Service Fees before the finalization of the Booking. The amount of these Fees is available from the Carrier or its Authorized Agent.

Baggage Allowance
refers to the maximum quantity of Baggage (in number and/or in weight and/or in dimensions) set by the Carrier with which each Passenger can travel.

(See “Travel memo”)

Check-in Deadline (HLE)
refers to the time limit (check-in deadline), as indicated for each flight and before which you must have completed your check-in formalities and received your boarding pass.

refer to the calendar days comprising the seven days of the week, provided that in the case of a notification, the day of dispatch is not counted and that, to determine the validity period of a Ticket, the day of issue of the Ticket or the day of the start of the flight is not counted.

Travel memo (see also “Electronic Ticket” or “Itinerary-Received”)
refers to one or more documents that the Carrier issues to the attention of the Passenger, when the latter uses an electronic ticket, and which includes, his name, flight information and notices to Passengers (payment receipt). It can also be called “Itinerary-Received”.

refers to the TIRRENAIR Company.

Subject: Security
means any object that, for reasons of safety or security, cannot be transported, due to the law in force.

Passenger, you, yourself, your
refers to any person, other than crew members, carried or to be transported by plane, in possession of a Ticket.

Passenger with reduced mobility
refers to any person whose mobility is reduced when using a means of transport due to a physical disability (sensory or locomotor, permanent or temporary), an intellectual disability, age or any other cause of disability and whose situation requires special attention and the adaptation to their needs of the services made available to all Passengers.

Person entitled to compensation
refers to yourself or any person who is eligible for compensation in respect of said trip, in accordance with applicable law.

means the fact that a Passenger is in possession of a Ticket, or other proof indicating that the reservation has been accepted and registered by the Air Carrier, its accredited agent or the tour operator.

refers to the flight rates, taxes and/or fees related to TIRRENAIR's General Conditions of Carriage; these must be approved by the competent authorities where applicable.

Excl. VAT rates
refers to the Rate invoiced to the Passenger, excluding taxes and excluding emission costs.

Rates including VAT
refers to the excluding tax rate plus Taxes.

Air Transport (or Air Travel)
means the transport of yourself and your Baggage, as well as the period during which your Baggage is in the custody of the Carrier, from boarding operations to disembarking operations, within the meaning of the applicable Convention.

refers to ourselves (TIRRENAIR) or any other Carrier, whose Designation Code appears on your Ticket or on a complementary Ticket.

Community air carrier
means an Air Carrier holding a valid operating license issued by a Member State of the European Union, in accordance with applicable European regulations.

Domestic flight or “domestic flight”
refers to any flight whose city of departure and the city of destination are located within the same State, in territorial continuity.

Article 3 - Field of application

1. Generalities

Except for the provisions of paragraphs 3.2, 3.4, and 3.5 below, these General Conditions of Carriage apply to any flight, or portion of a flight, for which our Designation Code appears in the “Carrier” box of the corresponding Ticket or Coupon.
(b) These General Conditions of Carriage also apply to transport free of charge or at a reduced rate, unless otherwise provided by law in the Transport Contract or in any other contractual document that would link us to you.
(c) These General Conditions of Carriage are established in application of applicable international conventions and community regulations, as well as the IATA Agreements defined in Article 1 above.

3.2. Chartering
If the carriage is carried out under a charter contract, these Conditions apply only to the extent that they are incorporated, by reference or otherwise, in the charter contract or in the Ticket.

3.3. Code sharing
On certain air services, if we have concluded code-sharing agreements with Carriers, as defined in Article 2 above. This means that even if you are the holder of a reservation made with us and if you have a Ticket in which our Designation Code appears in the Ticket box reserved for the Carrier, another Carrier, as defined in Article 2 above, may operate the flight. If such agreements are in force, these General Terms and Conditions also apply, these General Terms and Conditions also apply, the Passenger will be informed of the identity of this Carrier, at the time of booking, or at the latest at the time of check-in..

3.4. Predominance of the law
These General Conditions of Transport are applicable insofar as they are not contrary to the legislation in force. The possible invalidation of one or more provisions of these General Conditions of Transport will have no effect on the validity of their other provisions.

3.5. Predominance of the Conditions over our Regulations
Unless otherwise provided, in the event of a contradiction between these General Conditions of Carriage and any other TIRRENAIR regulations relating to particular subjects, these Conditions would prevail unless the Contract of Carriage could not exist without this stipulation declared null and void and without effect and which would be decisive and essential to the existence of the said Contract.

Article 4 - Electronic tickets

4.1. General provisions

The plane ticket is no longer in “paper” version: it is now an electronic ticket that is not physically issued. The e-ticket is available up to two hours before departure. It attests, until proven otherwise, to the existence of a Contract of Carriage, both in its conclusion and in its content, between the Carrier and the Passenger whose name appears on the ticket.

(b) In order to be able to use their Electronic Ticket, the Passenger goes to the check-in counter within the presentation deadline. He also presents a document confirming his reservation as well as a valid ID. Passengers will be carried on a flight, provided they produce satisfactory identification, and provided that the valid Electronic Ticket is issued in their name.

(c) An Electronic Ticket is not transferable, subject to applicable regulations in force.

(d) Some Tickets, sold at reduced prices, are subject to conditions of partial or total reimbursement or non-reimbursement. It is up to you to choose the rate that best suits your desires and to ensure that you take out the appropriate insurance in case of trip cancellation.

(e) The Ticket remains at all times the property of the Carrier that issued it.

(f) With the exception of an Electronic Ticket, you can only be carried if you are able to present a valid Ticket, containing the Coupon corresponding to this flight and all other unused Flight Coupons, as well as the Passenger Coupon. In addition, you will not be carried if your Ticket has been damaged or if it has been modified by anyone other than us or our Authorized Agent. In the case of an Electronic Ticket, you will be carried on a flight only if you produce satisfactory identification and if a valid Electronic Ticket has been issued in your name.

(g) If the proof mentioned in (f) above is not provided or if you refuse to undertake to indemnify us, the Carrier issuing the Ticket may charge you the total price of the replacement Ticket, provided that such payment will be refunded to you as soon as this Carrier has proof that the lost or mutilated Ticket has not been used during its validity period or that, after having found it, you have returned the Ticket to this Carrier, to during this same validity period.

(h) A Ticket is a valuable object and it is your responsibility to take all necessary measures to ensure that it is not lost or stolen.

(i) If you benefit from a price reduction or a rate with special conditions, you must be able to present the supporting documents entitling you to this rate at any time during your trip.

4.2. Validity period (a) Unless otherwise provided in the Ticket, these General Conditions of Carriage or the Rates, as defined in Article 2 above, (in the case of Fares affecting the validity of a Ticket, as indicated on the Ticket itself), a Ticket is valid for transport:

  • one year from the date of issue of the original ticket or,
  • one year from the date of use of the first Coupon, if this occurs within the year of the date of issue of the original ticket.

(b) When your trip could not be carried out for voluntary or involuntary reasons, you can obtain a full or partial refund of your ticket (excluding service fees (See Article 5.7) in accordance with the pricing conditions subscribed at the time of your purchase, without prejudice to the applicable regulations, if applicable, depending on the reasons for the cancellation of your trip, depending on the reasons for the cancellation of your trip, by submitting your request to TIRRENAIR, the carrier, within the limit of the validity of the ticket, namely 1. 1 year from the date the original ticket was issued

(c) When, after having started your trip, you are prevented, for health reasons, from continuing it during the validity period of the Ticket (1 year from the date of issue of the original ticket), you will be able to obtain a full or partial refund of your ticket according to the price conditions subscribed at the time of purchase and obtain an additional refund from the travel insurance taken out at the time of purchase of the ticket according to the guarantees specified in the contract. of insurance. In all cases, you are entitled to obtain a refund, within thirty (30) days, of the individualized taxes and fees corresponding to the portion of the trip not carried out, pursuant to article L.224-66 of the Consumer Code. You can make your request online

(d) In the event of the death of a Passenger during the trip, the Tickets of the persons accompanying the deceased may be modified, either by excluding the concept of minimum stay, or by extending the validity of these Tickets. In the event of death in the immediate family of a Passenger whose trip has begun, the validity of the Passenger's Tickets and those of members of his immediate family traveling with him may be modified in the same way.

(e) Any modification mentioned in point (d) above can only be made after receipt of a valid death certificate, and any extension provided for in this article may not exceed forty-five (45) days from the date of death.

4.3. Use of coupons

(a) The Ticket you purchased is valid only for the transport indicated on it, from the point of departure to the point of destination, via any Intermediate Stop provided for when the Ticket was purchased. The rate you paid corresponds to the route indicated on your Ticket and is an essential element of our Contract of Carriage with you.

(b) If you want to change all or part of your trip, you must contact us in advance. The rate will be recalculated and you will then have the option of accepting the new price or maintaining the original transport, as shown on the Ticket.

(c) Ticket changes are only possible on flights that are accessible and available at the time the change request is made.

4.4. Carrier identification

Our name may be abbreviated on the Ticket, through our Designation Code, or in any other form. Our address is considered to be that of the departure airport indicated in front of our name, appearing in the “Carrier” box of the Ticket or, in the case of an Electronic Ticket, as indicated for the first section of our flight, in the Travel Memo (or Received Itinerary).

Article 5 - Rates, fees, taxes and fees

5.1. Generalities

The published Fares are available only on TIRRENAIR flights from the airport at the point of origin to the airport at the point of destination, unless otherwise indicated. They do not include surface transport between airports, and between airports and terminals in cities. The price of your Ticket will be calculated in accordance with our Rates in effect on the date of purchase of your Ticket, for a trip planned on the dates and itinerary indicated on this Ticket. Any change in itinerary or dates of your travel may affect the applicable Fare. The applicable rates are those published by the Carrier or calculated by the Carrier in accordance with the tariff rules in force, on the date of purchase of the Ticket Reservation, for the flight (s) indicated from the point of departure to the point of destination, for a given class of transport.

5.2. Taxes, fees, service fees, and surcharges

The prices are published inclusive of all taxes — including taxes and fees collected on behalf of a third party (government, administration, airport, security...), the environmental contribution and service fees — with the exception of certain airport taxes collected locally. Any fees, taxes or fees imposed by a government, by any other authority or by the manager of an airport — with the exception of certain airport taxes collected locally. Any fees, taxes or fees imposed by a government, by any other authority or by the manager of an airport will be at your expense. When purchasing the Ticket, the Passenger is notified of these fees, taxes or fees, which are added to the Fares and appear separately on the Ticket. They are constantly evolving and may be created (or increased) after the date of purchase of the Ticket, in which case you will be required to pay the corresponding amount. Conversely, if the fees, taxes or fees paid during the online purchase are reduced or eliminated, you will be entitled to a refund. As for the refund procedures, we refer you to Article 13 of these terms and conditions. The environmental contribution is a component of the ticket price excluding tax paid by the passenger when booking his flight on the Marseille and Nice lines. In 2024, this corresponds to a fixed amount of 2 euros per flight and is applied to non-resident and non-refundable passengers, the price of the resident rate being fixed and determined by public service obligations.This environmental contribution aims to cover the significant increase in costs resulting from the application of the various environmental obligations relating to the compensation and limitation of carbon emissions and resulting from:

  • Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 establishing a system for the trading of greenhouse gas emission allowances in the Community (EU ETS);
  • Law No. 2021-1104 of 22 August 2021 on combating climate change and strengthening resilience in the face of its effects, known as the “Climate and Resilience” law and;
  • Taxes induced by sustainable fuel obligations (TIRUERT)”.

5.3. Rates

Each rate is associated with particularities corresponding to the particular conditions of sale of the transport contract such as: Full price; Subscriber; Senior; Family; Couple; Young (under 25); Student (under 27); Evasion; Weekend, Week.According to the special conditions applicable at the time of booking and before confirming the purchase of a Ticket on our site, some Tickets cannot be modified, cancelled or refunded in full or partially.

5.4. Discounts

On some of the rates offered, TIRRENAIR grants (typological) discounts to a certain category of passengers:

  • Infants under 2 years old and children under 12, young people (under 25), students (under 27), seniors, travelers in couples or families, passengers who are subscribers.

These discounts are applicable upon presentation of the following supporting documents: family book, passport, identity document, proof of residence in Corsica, student card, subscriber card.

5.5. Promotional rates

TIRRENAIR offers specific promotional rates according to the destination, date and time of the trip.

5.6. Complementary products

Additional services are offered to passengers when they buy their Ticket online. These services are subject to their own general conditions available and accessible on the corresponding pages.

5.7. Issuance or application fees

Issuance or processing fees are invoiced for each purchase on TIRRENAIR lines. The Issuance or Administration Fees are of a different amount (From €1 to €20 per ticket depending on the TIRRENAIR point of sale, travel agencies apply the service fees of their choice) depending on the type of travel, the Rate and the Ticket distribution channel. These Fees are in addition to the TTC Rate.
The Issuance or Administrative Fees invoiced, where applicable, by the Carrier are not refundable, except in the case of a cancellation of the Ticket due to a fault on the part of the Carrier.
The Passenger is informed, before the finalization of his Booking, of the amount of the Issuance Fees charged to him by the Carrier. The amount of the Issue Fees invoiced by TIRRENAIR can be consulted at its services and on its Website.

5.8. Cancellation and change fees

In the event of voluntary cancellation on your part, a change fee that is associated with the price of the ticket you purchased will be charged, in addition to any cancellation fees related to the conditions of application of certain rates.

5.9. itinerary

Unless otherwise provided in the Contract of Carriage that we have concluded with you, or in any other contractual document between us, the Rates apply exclusively to the trip provided for in this Contract or document.

5.10. Currency of payment

Fares, taxes, fees and fees are payable in the currency of the country where the Ticket is purchased, unless another currency is specified, by us or our Authorized Agent, at the time the Ticket was purchased or previously (for example, in case of lack of local currency convertibility).

Article 6 - Booking

6.1. Booking requirements

We or our Authorized Agent will register your reservation and are in a position to provide you with a written confirmation without delay (knowing that the reservation on our site is only authorized if it is followed by a purchase see TIRRENAIR General Conditions of Sale, article 10). Some Rates may be subject to conditions that limit or exclude the possibility of changing or cancelling reservations.

6.2. Personal information

You acknowledge that you have sent us personal information about you, in order to make a reservation and purchase a Ticket, to obtain ancillary services or various benefits, to facilitate the completion of administrative formalities relating to immigration and entry into the country, and that this information may be communicated to governmental authorities, in the exclusive context of your trip, and within the limits of applicable law respectively. You authorize us, for the purposes mentioned above, to hold such information and to transmit it to our own agencies, to our Authorized Agents, to government authorities, to Carriers, to the providers of the services mentioned above regardless of the State or territory where they are located, and always in accordance with the applicable law.

6.3. Allocation of seats

We will do our best to meet your seat allocation requests. However, we cannot guarantee the allocation of a given seat, even if your reservation is confirmed for that seat, except for the class booked. However, you authorize us to change the seat allocation at any time if necessary due to operational, security or safety requirements.

6.4. Reconfirmation of reservations

(a) Bookings for an onward or return flight may be subject to re-confirmation in some cases. We will inform the passenger when buying the Ticket, in which case the latter must reconfirm their flight. In the event of non-reconfirmation on their part, we will be able to cancel their reservations for continuing and/or returning flights. However, if the Passenger tells us that he wishes to continue his trip, and as long as seats are available on the flight concerned, we will reinstate his reservation and transport him. If there is no space on this flight, we will make every effort to transport it to the next airport or to its final destination.

(b) If, during your trip, you use the services of several Carriers, you will need to check with each of them if reconfirmations are necessary. In this case, the Carrier with whom the reconfirmation must be made is the one whose Designation Code appears on the Flight Coupon.

6.5. Cancellation of bookings on a continuation or return flight

If you do not show up to check in for a flight, we may cancel your reservations for your onward or return trips, unless you have previously notified us and in this case additional fees for ticket changes and reservation class changes may be applied, which will be linked to the conditions of application of certain rates. In the event of a “no-show”, the passenger is entitled to a refund of airport taxes and to the passenger fee pursuant to article L.224-66 of the Consumer Code. This mention should also be included here for the perfect information of the passage

Article 7 - Check-in/Boarding

7.1. Check-in Deadlines (HLE) vary from airport to airport. We recommend that the passenger inquire in advance and respect them, in order to be able to complete all the formalities necessary for their trip, otherwise their reservations will be cancelled. We or our Authorized Agents will provide the Passenger in writing with all the necessary information about the HLE for their first flight on our lines. If their trip includes later routes, the Passenger should inquire about HLEs, which can be found in the Carrier's Timetable Guides, obtained from us or from our Authorized Agents.

7.2. You must be present at the gate or boarding area no later than the time we have indicated to you in writing.

7.3. We may cancel your reservation if you do not arrive at the boarding gate at the time indicated to you.

7.4. In the event of non-compliance with the conditions of this article, our responsibility for any loss, damage or expense cannot be sought.

7.5. If you are not present at the check-in counter or at the boarding gate or boarding area (30 minutes before the departure of a domestic flight and 40 minutes before the departure of an international flight), or if you do not present the travel documents required in accordance with Article 8 below, and you are therefore unable to travel, we may cancel your reservation and assign your seat to another Passenger, without this being binding our responsibility to you.

7.6. When a Flight Coupon is not collected at the check-in counter, at the time you receive your boarding pass, the Voucher in question remains in your custody and you must give it to us upon boarding.

Article 8 - Refusal, transport limitations and special assistance

8.1. Denial of boarding

When TIRRENAIR reasonably plans to deny boarding to a Passenger on a flight, TIRRENAIR may initially call on volunteers agreeing to renounce their reservation in exchange for certain services in accordance with procedures to be agreed between the passengers concerned and TIRRENAIR. Volunteers benefit, in addition to the services mentioned in this paragraph, from assistance in accordance with Article 8 of Regulation No. 261/2004.When the number of volunteers is not sufficient to allow the boarding of other passengers with a reservation, TIRRENAIR may refuse to board a Passenger against his will.If TIRRENAIR refuses a Passenger against his will, TIRRENAIR compensates the latter in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation No. 261/2004, and offers assistance in accordance with articles 8 and 9 of the same settlement.

8.2. Disembarking the Passenger on his own initiative

A Passenger who, in the last place, refuses to board the aircraft when he has been regularly checked on the flight, and without this refusal resulting from an act or omission of the Carrier, must compensate and guarantee the latter for the reasonable expenses incurred as a result of his behavior and the disturbances that result from it.

8.3. Transport limitations

At our discretion, but exercised in a reasonable manner, we may, at any point during boarding and/or connection, refuse to transport you and your luggage, even if the deadlines and presentation conditions required herein have been respected, if it appears reasonably justified to do so, in particular for reasons of health, safety, security, or inadequate travel documents. For example, we may exercise this type of refusal in the following cases:

(a) you did not comply with applicable law.

(b) your transport and/or that of your Baggage could endanger the safety, health, sanitation, good order on board the aircraft, the comfort or convenience of other Passengers or crew (by using intimidation or by using abusive and/or insulting language).

(c) your physical or mental condition, including a condition caused by the consumption of alcohol, drugs or medications, presents a danger or even a risk to yourself or to other Passengers, crew or property.

(d) you compromised safety, order and/or discipline when checking in for the flight or on a previous flight and we have reason to believe that such conduct may be repeated.

(e) you refuse to submit to the security checks provided for in section 16.6 below, and you also refuse to provide proof of your identity.

(f) you (or the person paying for the Ticket) did not pay the current Rate and/or all fees, taxes or fees due.

(g) you do not seem to have valid travel documents, you have sought to enter a territory illegally during transit, you have destroyed your travel documents during the flight, you refuse to hand them over to the personnel, flight or on the ground, of the Carrier who requests them, or your travel documents are outdated, incomplete under current regulations or fraudulent (identity theft, falsification or counterfeiting of documents).

(h) The ticket you are presenting:

  • is acquired fraudulently or purchased from an organization other than ourselves or our Authorized Agent;
  • is listed as a lost or stolen document;
  • is falsified or counterfeited;
  • includes a Flight Coupon that has been damaged or modified by someone other than the Carrier or its Authorized Agent;
  • you did not use the Flight Coupons in the order in which they were issued, in accordance with the provisions of article 4.3 above;
  • you ask us, during check-in or boarding, for special assistance that you did not indicate when booking your trip;
  • vous n'observez pas les instructions et les réglementations concernant la sécurité ou la sûreté ;
  • vous n'êtes pas en mesure de prouver que vous êtes la personne désignée dans la case "nom du Passager" du Billet.

Dans les cas prévus ci-dessus, nous nous réservons le droit de conserver votre Billet.

8.4. Demandes particulières

Si vous avez des antécédents médicaux, nous vous recommandons de consulter un médecin avant d’embarquer sur le vol et de prendre toutes les précautions nécessaires au bon déroulement de ce vol avant votre départ.Les conditions particulières visées au paragraphe 8.4 ne font pas partie du Contrat de Transport et doivent être considérées comme des Prestations Annexes, au sens de l’Article 15 ci-dessous.

Article 9 - Droits des personnes à mobilité réduite

9.1. En application du Règlement n°1107/2006 du « Parlement Européen » et du « Conseil » du 5 Juillet 2006, TIRRENAIR n’est pas en mesure de refuser l’embarquement à un Passager à mobilité réduite si cette personne dispose d’un Billet et d’une réservation valables, au sens dudit règlement qui stipule d’accepter une réservation pour un vol au départ ou à destination d’un aéroport auquel le règlement s’applique. Cependant, la personne à mobilité réduite doit être accompagnée par une autre personne capable de lui fournir l’assistance requise. Afin de permettre à TIRRENAIR de mettre en œuvre et/ou de procéder (par TIRRENAIR et/ou par le gestionnaire de l’aéroport) à la mise en place de l’assistance nécessaire au Passager à mobilité réduite, le Passager doit faire parvenir à TIRRENAIR au plus tard quarante-huit heures (48h) avant le départ publié du vol, une notification écrite d’assistance.

9.2. Nonobstant ce principe, TIRRENAIR pourra refuser d’accepter la réservation du Passager, ou lui refuser l’embarquement dans les cas suivants :

a) afin de respecter les exigences de sécurité applicables, qu’elles soient prévues par le droit international, communautaire, national ou établies par l’autorité qui a délivré son certificat de Transporteur aérien à TIRRENAIR.

b) si la taille de l’aéronef ou de ses portes rend physiquement impossible l’embarquement ou le transport du Passager à mobilité réduite.

9.3. En cas de refus d’acceptation d’une réservation pour les motifs mentionnés aux 9.2. point a) ou b), TIRRENAIR s’efforce dans la limite du raisonnable, de proposer une autre solution acceptable pour le Passager concerné.

9.4. Un Passager à mobilité réduite, auquel l’embarquement est refusé sur la base de son handicap ou de sa mobilité réduite, et toute personne qui l’accompagne en application de l’Article 4.2 du règlement n° 1107/2006, bénéficient du droit au remboursement prévu à l’article 8 du règlement (CE) n° 261/2004. Le droit à un vol retour ou à un réacheminement est subordonné à la réunion de toutes les conditions de sécurité.

9.5. Dans les conditions identiques à celles énoncées au paragraphe 1, premier alinéa, point a) de l’Article 4 du règlement n° 1107/2006, nous exigeons qu’un Passager à mobilité réduite soit accompagné par une personne capable de lui fournir l’assistance requise.

Article 10 - Enfants

10.1. Enfants de 2 ans et moins

Tout enfant n'ayant pas atteint son deuxième anniversaire au moment du commencement du Transport Aérien (bébé), peut voyager accompagné d'une personne valide âgée de 18 ans au moins, sauf parents plus jeunes.2 bébés peuvent être transportés par accompagnateur à la seule condition que l'un des 2 bébés occupe un siège individuel au tarif enfant et soit installé à l'aide d'un dispositif de retenue homologué (siège auto, harnais).

10.2. Enfants de plus de 2 ans et de moins de 4 ans

Les enfants âgés de plus de 2 ans et de moins de 4 ans doivent être obligatoirement accompagnés de leurs parents (père ou mère) ou confiés à un accompagnateur âgé d'au moins 18 ans.

10.3. Enfants de plus de 4 ans jusqu'à l'âge de 11 ans

A compter de l'âge de 4 ans et jusqu'à l'âge de 11 ans, les enfants peuvent voyager sans être accompagnés par un adulte. Ils sont pris en charge par la compagnie et sont qualifiés d'UM (mineurs non accompagnés). Les UM doivent être signalés auprès de la compagnie par une demande écrite préalablement aux vols. Un nombre limité d'UM est accepté par vol. Il incombe à cet égard aux parents ou aux responsables de l'enfant de se renseigner préalablement.Les personnes accompagnant un UM doivent attendre le décollage de l'avion avant de quitter l'aéroport de manière, à les reprendre en charge si besoin. A l'arrivée à destination, les UM ne pourront être remis qu'à la personne désignée par un des titulaires de l'autorité parentale. La personne désignée devra à cet égard justifier de son identité par un document d'identité officiel.

10.4. Enfants de 12 ans et plus

A compter de 12 ans, les mineurs ne sont plus qualifiés d'UM, pour les vols nationaux et à partir de 15 ans pour les vols internationaux. Ils ne font donc pas l'objet d'un traitement particulier. La compagnie et son personnel n'assurent pas leur garde.

10.5. Formalités d'entrée et de sortie des territoires des enfants mineurs

Les formalités d'entrée et de sortie des territoires étant spécifiques pour les mineurs, il appartient aux titulaires de l'autorité parentale de les vérifier avant tout achat ou transport.

Article 11 - Bagages et Animaux

11.1. Objets non admis comme Bagages

Vous ne devez pas inclure dans vos Bagages tout objet dont le transport est interdit ou restreint par les règlementations applicables et le droit en vigueur dans tout Etat de départ, de destination, de survol ou de transit dont notamment :

a) des matières périssables, des fonds, devises, bijoux, objets d'art, métaux précieux, argenterie, valeurs ou autres objets précieux, vêtements de prix, appareils d'optique ou de photo, matériels ou appareils électroniques et/ou de télécommunication, instruments de musique, passeports et pièces d'identité, échantillons, papiers d'affaires, manuscrits ou titres, individualisés ou fongibles, etc…

b) des appareils médicaux (sauf accord du service Transport Exceptionnel dans le dossier de réservation)

c) des objets susceptibles de constituer un danger pour l'aéronef, les personnes ou les biens à bord, comme ceux qui sont spécifiés dans les Instructions techniques pour la sécurité du transport aérien, des marchandises dangereuses de l'Organisation de l'Aviation Civile Internationale (OACI) et dans la Règlementation, pour le transport des marchandises dangereuses de l'Association Internationale des Transporteurs Aériens (IATA), ainsi que dans notre propre règlementation telle qu'elle vous est applicable sous réserve des normes communautaires et françaises (des informations supplémentaires sont disponibles auprès de nos services, sur demande); il s'agit notamment des explosifs, gaz sous pression, substances oxydantes, radioactives ou magnétisées, substances inflammables, substances toxiques ou corrosives, substances liquides de toute sorte.

d) des objets dont le transport est interdit par le droit en vigueur dans tout Etat de départ, de destination, de survol ou de transit programmé.

e) des objets dont nous estimons raisonnablement que leur poids, leur dimension, leur configuration ou leur nature, fragile ou périssable, les rendent impropres au transport, compte tenu, entre autres, du type d'avion utilisé. Une information sur ces objets est disponible sur demande.

f) des armes à feu et les munitions autres que celles destinées à la chasse ou au sport, lesquelles, pour être admises comme Bagages enregistrés, doivent être déchargées, convenablement emballées et avoir le cran de sûreté engagé. Le transport des munitions est soumis aux Réglementations sur les Matières Dangereuses de l'OACI et de l'IATA, ainsi qu’au droit communautaire et français.

g) des armes tranchantes, armes d'estoc, aérosols pouvant être utilisées comme armes d'attaque ou de défense, des armes de collection, des épées, des couteaux et autres armes de ce type, si elles sont transportées en cabine. Ces objets peuvent néanmoins être acceptés comme Bagages enregistrés, à la discrétion du Transporteur.

h) des animaux vivants, excepté les animaux domestiques et sous réserve que les conditions du paragraphe 7 du présent article soient respectées. Dans le cas où de tels objets seraient contenus dans vos Bagages malgré l’interdiction prévue au présent article, les règles de responsabilité édictées à l’Article 18 ne trouveraient pas application.

11.2. Restrictions à l’acceptation des Bagages

a) A tout point d’embarquement intermédiaire, nous pourrons refuser de transporter comme Bagages les objets énumérés au paragraphe 1 du présent article ci-dessus, ou refuser de continuer à les transporter, si nous les découvrons en cours de voyage, si le bagage présente un risque pour la salubrité, la sécurité ou le bon ordre de l’aéronef.

b) Nous pourrons refuser de transporter comme Bagage tout objet en raison de sa taille, de sa forme, de son poids, de son contenu, de sa configuration, de sa nature qui ne serait pas conforme à la réglementation, ou pour des raisons d’exploitation, de sécurité et/ou de sûreté, ou encore pour préserver le confort et la commodité des autres passagers. TIRRENAIR autorise un bagage par passer d’un poids maximum de 6 KG.

c) Nous pourrons également refuser de transporter des Bagages susceptibles de gêner le transport et les manipulations ordinaires par suite d’un emballage inadapté. L’information sur l’emballage et les contenants adaptés aux différents Bagages est disponible sur demande.

11.3. Droit d'inspection

Pour des raisons de sécurité/sûreté, nous pouvons vous demander d'accepter, pour vous-même et/ou vos Bagages, une fouille ou tout contrôle de type rayons X ou autre. Si vous n'êtes pas disponible, vos Bagages pourront être contrôlés ou fouillés en votre absence en vue de vérifier s'ils contiennent des objets visés au paragraphe 1 ci-dessus ou encore toutes armes ou munitions qui n’auraient pas été présentées en règle. Si vous refusez de vous conformer à de telles demandes, nous pourrons refuser de vous transporter, ainsi que vos Bagages.

11.4. Bagages enregistrés (applicable seulement pour enregistrement par comptoir aéroport).

11.4.1. Généralités

a) Dès que vous enregistrez votre Bagage au comptoir enregistrement, nous en assurerons la garde et vous délivrerons une fiche d’identification (reçu Bagage) pour chaque Bagage enregistré.

b) Si le Bagage ne contient pas de nom, initiales ou autre indication de votre personne, vous devrez y remédier en apposant votre nom ou toute forme identification personnelle sur votre Bagage. Les Bagages enregistrés sont correctement identifiés à l’extérieur afin d’établir un lien rapide avec le Passager concerné. Si de telles mesures ne sont pas respectées, le Bagage ne sera pas enregistré.

c) Checked Baggage will be carried in the same aircraft as you, unless, for operational or security/safety reasons, we decide to transport it on another flight. If this is the case, we will deliver the Baggage to you where you will be. The transport of your Baggage on a plane other than the one transporting you is an accessory to the Passenger's contract of carriage and does not give rise to a separate transport of goods.

11.4.2. Baggage Allowance

The excess corresponds to the transport in the hold of a quantity of Baggage limited per Passenger in number and/or weight and/or dimension, determined according to the destination, the Rate paid and is indicated on the Ticket.You can have Baggage carried free of charge according to the provisions and subject to the conditions and conditions and appearing on the Internet page of our “Baggage Information” which we invite you to read regularly.

11.4.3. Excess baggage

You will have to pay an additional charge for the transport of Baggage in excess of the excess, under the conditions set out on the Internet page of our “Baggage Information” section, which we invite you to read regularly.

11.4.4. DSI: Special Declaration of Interest at additional costsa)

a) La Déclaration Spéciale d’Intérêt concerne un Bagage enregistré dont la valeur estimée par le Passager est supérieure à un certain montant. Les conditions d’application de la Déclaration Spéciale d’Intérêt sont valables sur les vols de TIRRENAIR. La Déclaration Spéciale d’Intérêt doit être faite par le Passager à l’aéroport le jour du départ, et avant l’Heure Limite d’Enregistrement. Conformément à ce qui est prévu à l’article 18 « Responsabilité pour dommages » paragraphe 2.3 des présentes conditions, vous pourrez, pour votre Bagage enregistré, déclarer par écrit une valeur supérieure à la limite de responsabilité indiquée dans cet article moyennant le règlement d’une somme supplémentaire en cas de destruction, perte, détérioration ou retard.

b) However, the Special Declaration of Interest will not be accepted if one of the portions of the transport is carried out by another Carrier that does not offer this possibility.

c) A price supplement may be paid by the Passenger if this Declaration is made at the time the Baggage is delivered to the Carrier.

d) The Carrier reserves the right to verify the adequacy of the value declared by the Passenger with the real value of the Baggage and its contents and also reserves the right to cap the level of declarations that may be subscribed to at a maximum amount. In any event, the Carrier will be entitled to provide proof, in the event of the occurrence of damage, that the sum declared by the Passenger was greater than the Passenger's real interest at delivery in view of the real value of the Baggage and its contents.

e) Any Special Expression of Interest must be made by the Passenger before the Check-in Deadline with the Carrier.

11.5. Unchecked Baggage or “Hand Baggage”

a) The dimensions authorized for the transport of a bag in the cabin, as well as the number accepted on board, are regulated. If we have not specified anything, your Cabin Baggage must be placed under the seat in front of you or in a closed storage space. Baggage that you wish to take with you in the cabin, but that we consider to be excessive in weight or size, or dangerous for safety or difficult to store, cannot be accepted in the cabin and must be carried as Checked Baggage at any time before departure of the flight.

b) Baggage and/or object that cannot be carried in the hold (such as fragile musical instruments or others) and that does not comply with the provisions of paragraph A above, can only be accepted in the cabin provided that it has requested and obtained authorization from our reservation service.

c) The Passenger is responsible for personal effects and unchecked Baggage that he keeps in the cabin. In the event of destruction, theft, loss or damage to personal effects and Unchecked Baggage, the Carrier may only be held liable if a fault on its part, or on the part of its agents or agents, is proved.

11.6. Baggage Pickup and Delivery

a) Subject to the provisions of paragraph 11.4.1. of this article, you must collect your Baggage (s) as soon as it is made available to you, at the places of destination or Voluntary Stop. If, despite our written notice to remove your Baggage, you have neither claimed nor removed it after the expiration of one year and one day, we may dispose of it freely and without incurring any liability to you.

b) Only the bearer of the Baggage Check and the Baggage Tag issued to the Passenger at check-in is authorized to remove the Baggage. However, the lack of presentation of the Baggage Tag cannot prevent the removal of the Baggage which will be identified by other means.

c) If a person claiming Baggage is unable to produce the Baggage Check and identify the Baggage using the Baggage Tag, we will only deliver the Baggage to them provided that they establish their rights to the Baggage in a satisfactory manner; at our request, such person must provide sufficient security to provide sufficient security to indemnify us for any losses, damages or expenses that may result from such delivery.

d) The receipt of Checked Baggage without complaint by the Passenger will constitute a presumption, unless proven otherwise, that the Baggage was delivered in good condition and in accordance with the transport ticket or the indications recorded by the other means referred to in the Montreal Convention.

11.7. Animals

11.7.1. Animal Transport

TIRRENAIR does not accept the transport of animals in the hold.

11.7.2. Pets traveling in the cabin

The Company accepts that some animals travel in the cabin. However:

a) Only Pets and their case that does not exceed a weight fixed by the Carrier may be accepted in the cabin. Assistance dogs will be accepted in the cabin, subject to applicable regulations and their size.
Les chiens d'assistance seront acceptés en cabine, sous réserve de la réglementation applicable et de leur taille.

b) The Pet must be placed in a bag provided for this purpose, closed, containing the animal in its entirety and in which it can get up, turn around and breathe easily and freely.

c) The Passenger undertakes not to let the animal out, even partially, from its container for the duration of the flight.

Article 12 - Schedules, delays, flight cancellations

12.1. Schedules

We are committed to doing our best to transport Passengers and Baggage but we cannot guarantee schedules. The flights and schedules shown on the TIRRENAIR website and on the Timetable Map are indicative and are subject to change without notice, after their date of publication.However, the flight schedules on your ticket, and subject to change for reasons beyond our control, are an integral part of the travel contract. Company/Passenger. However, if the flight schedules reproduced on the Ticket are changed exceptionally, the passenger will be notified by the Carrier, insofar as the Carrier has his contact details (mobile phone, landline, email address, etc.) .Passengers are invited to check with the Carrier the schedule appearing on their Ticket before departure. In the event of a change in timetables —after the purchase of the Ticket — that would not suit the Passenger, and if the Carrier is not in a position to offer a better adapted schedule, the Passenger may benefit from a refund of the Ticket as provided for in Article 13 below.

12.2. Cancellation and delay

a) TIRRENAIR undertakes to take the necessary measures to transport the Passenger and their Baggage without delay. In this context, and in order to avoid the cancellation of transport, we may offer you to travel on the services of a Carrier, within the meaning of article 2 above, or by any other means of transport. Any modification concerning the identity of the Carrier will be brought to the attention of the Passenger, at the latest during check-in or boarding. In the event of non-compliance with this information obligation, the Passenger may terminate the transport contract and obtain a refund of the Ticket, without penalties.If the Carrier notified to the Passenger is registered on the Community list and is subject to a ban after the conclusion of the contract, we will offer you a new Carrier. If this is not possible, we will refund your Ticket in accordance with the provisions of article 13.3 of these conditions.

b) In the event of flight cancellation and in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, it is possible for the passenger to:

  • postpone your trip as soon as possible or to a later date (depending on availability), under similar transport conditions; or
  • get a refund for the ticket

Immediate assistance is provided: depending on the case and the waiting time, you have the right to a meal/snack, a drink, accommodation (connection included) as well as access to a means of telecommunication.You can also request compensation unless (i) the cancellation is due to extraordinary circumstances or (ii) if you were notified of the cancellation early enough, i.e.:

  • At least two weeks prior to departure;
  • Two weeks to seven days prior to departure if a re-routing is offered that allows departure no earlier than two hours before the scheduled time of departure and to arrive at the final destination less than four hours after the scheduled time of arrival; or
  • Less than seven days prior to departure if a re-routing is offered to leave no more than one hour before the scheduled time of departure and to arrive at the final destination less than two hours after the scheduled time of arrival.

c) In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, in the event of a significant delay (greater than two hours) of a scheduled flight compared to the departure time indicated on the Ticket, immediate assistance (similar to that described above) to the passenger is provided (similar to that described above). In the event of a delay of more than five hours, if you do not wish to continue your trip, you can request a refund of your ticket under the conditions provided for in article 13 of the General Conditions of Carriage. In the event of a delay of more than three hours, you are also entitled to compensation unless the delay is due to extraordinary circumstances.

12.3. Refus d'embarquement en cas de surréservation programmée

If, as a result of a scheduled overbooking, we are unable to assign you a seat, even though you have a confirmed reservation, we will provide you with the assistance and compensation provided for by applicable law. If several compensations are possible, you will benefit from the most favorable one.

Article 13 - Refunds

13.1. Generalities

In accordance with the price regulations, we will refund all or part of a Ticket to you, under the following conditions:

a) unless otherwise provided in this article, we will be entitled to make the refund, either to the person whose name appears on the Ticket, or to the person who paid for the Ticket, the rate, upon presentation by the latter of sufficient proof of this payment.

b) if a Ticket has been paid for by a person other than the person whose name appears on the Ticket and if a refund restriction is mentioned on this Ticket, we will issue the refund to the person who paid for the Ticket, or to any person designated by that person.

c) except in the event of loss of the Ticket, the refund will only be made upon receipt by us of the Passenger Coupon or Passenger Receipt, as well as all unused Flight Coupons.

d) a refund made to a person who gives us the Passenger Coupon or Passenger Receipt together with any unused Flight Coupons and who represents the person entitled to the refund, in accordance with subparagraphs a) and b) above, will be considered valid and will release us from all liability and any subsequent claim for reimbursement.

13.2. Refunds for cancellations, long delays or denied boarding

In the event of cancellation, a long delay of a flight, or even denied boarding within the meaning of Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004, the refund will be made within seven days according to the procedures referred to in the Regulations, at the price indicated on the Ticket, for the part or parts of the trip not taken, as well as for the part or parts of the trip already taken.

13.3. Other refunds

a) the Passenger is entitled to claim the reimbursement of his Ticket for reasons other than those mentioned in paragraph 2 of this Article and only in cases where his responsibility cannot be incurred to justify the non-use of his Ticket on the dates indicated on his Ticket; the amount of the refund will then be of an equivalent amount:

  • at the rate paid, less the applicable administrative or cancellation fees, if no part of the Ticket has been used.
  • the difference between the rate paid and the rate applicable to the intended route for which the Ticket was used, less the applicable administrative or cancellation fees, if part of the Ticket was used.

b) Refunds referred to in this paragraph 3 cannot be made when government requirements or any other contractual document between you and us exclude them. This is particularly the case for Tickets marked “non-refundable”.

c) In any event, in accordance with article L.224-66 of the Consumer Code, the Passenger may request the reimbursement of taxes and fees that are individualized and displayed as such in the ticket price, due to the actual boarding of the Passenger, when the Ticket is no longer valid and has not resulted in transport, under the conditions of article 4.2 of the General Conditions of Carriage.

13.4. Refund of Tickets declared lost or stolen

(a) the lost or stolen Ticket or part of the Ticket has not been used, previously refunded or replaced (unless one of these situations occurs because of us); and that:

(b) the beneficiary of the reimbursement undertakes, in the forms indicated by us, to return the reimbursed amount to us, in the case of fraud and in so far as the lost or stolen Ticket would be used, in whole or in part, by a third person (unless one of these situations occurs because of us).(c) If we or our Authorized Agent lose all or part of the Ticket, this loss will be our responsibility.

13.5. Right to refuse reimbursementWe can refuse the refund:

Nous pouvons refuser le remboursement :

(a) of any Ticket, after the expiry of its validity.

(b) of a Ticket that will be presented, to us or to the authorities of a country, as proof of intent to leave that country, unless you provide us with proof, satisfactory to us, that you have permission to stay in that country or that you will leave it through a Carrier, in accordance with Article I above, or by another means of transport.

(c) of your Ticket, if you have not been admitted by the authorities of destination or transit of your trip and if you have therefore been returned to your boarding point.

(d) of a stolen, falsified or counterfeit Ticket.

(e) of your Ticket, in a currency different from that in which the payment was made.

(f) a Ticket marked “non-refundable” except in the event of a long delay, cancellation or denial of boarding within the meaning of Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004.

13.6. Refund currency

Subject to applicable law, we reserve the right to make the refund in the same form and in the same currency as those used when purchasing the Ticket. If we accept a refund in a refund currency different from the currency of payment, this refund will be made at the exchange rate in effect on the day the refund letter was sent.

13.7. Persons authorized to reimburse

Refunds are made only by the Carrier who originally issued the Ticket or by an Authorized Agent, if authorized by that Carrier.

Article 14 - Behaviour on board

14.1. If we reasonably believe that by your conduct on board, you are interfering, inconveniencing, threatening or endangering the aircraft, person or property, or that you are preventing the crew from performing their duties, or that you are not complying with the crew's recommendations and instructions, in particular if they relate to the use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs, or that your behavior causes or may result in, other Passengers, for the crew, an inconvenience to their comfort or convenience, a Damage or injury, we may take any measures, including coercion, against you that we deem necessary to stop the continuation of such behavior. You may be disembarked, refused transport for future trips to any point on the network and prosecuted for offenses or any wrongdoing you may have committed on board the plane.

14.2. For security reasons, we may prohibit or limit the use on board the aircraft of electronic equipment such as, without limitation, mobile phones, laptop computers, radio sets, electronic games, transmission equipment, transmission equipment, radio controlled games, radio controlled games and transmitter/transmitter sets, as well as any other electronic or recording equipment. Except for hearing aids and pacemakers.

Article 15 - Provisions for Ancillary Services

15.1. If, under a Contract of Carriage and subject to applicable law, we agree to make arrangements, through a third party, to provide you with additional services other than air transport, or if we issue a Ticket or an exchange voucher in respect of transport or services (other than air travel), such as, for example, hotel reservations or car rentals, the conditions of carriage or sale of these third parties are applicable. If we provide land transport services, other transport conditions and, in particular, other liability regimes may apply to such surface transport. These conditions and regimes are available, on request, from us or from the Carrier providing surface transport, as the case may be.

15.2. Si nous fournissons des prestations de transport terrestre, d'autres conditions de transport et, en particulier, d'autres régimes de responsabilité, peuvent s'appliquer à ces transports de surface. Ces conditions et régimes sont disponibles, sur demande, auprès de nous ou du Transporteur assurant le transport de surface, selon les cas.

Article 16 - Administrative formalities

16.1. Generalities

You are responsible for obtaining all documents necessary for your trip, including visas and any special permits that would be required by the law in force in the States of departure, destination or transit. The requirements of the authorities of these states in terms of immigration and border control are unavoidable. The passenger is also responsible for providing the documents of his minor children and/or passengers for whom he is responsible and/or the Pets with which he is traveling. If the Passenger does not comply with the obligations described above, we are not responsible for the consequences suffered by the latter.

16.2. Travel documents

(a) You must present all entry, exit and transit documents, health and other documents required by the law in force in the States concerned and allow us to take a copy of them, if necessary, at our sole discretion.

(b) We reserve the right, in accordance with section 8.3 above, to refuse transport to you if you do not comply with applicable laws and regulations or if your travel documents do not appear to be in order.

(c) The carrier cannot be held responsible for the consequences (in particular losses or expenses) that the Passenger would suffer for not complying with the applicable regulations.

16.3. Refusal of entry

If your admission to a territory is refused, you will have to pay any fees or fines imposed on us as a result by the local authorities, as well as the cost of your transportation from that territory. In this case, we will not refund your Ticket.

16.4. Passenger liability for fines, detention costs, etc.

If we have to pay or record the amount of a fine or penalty or incur expenses of any kind as a result of your non-compliance, voluntary or otherwise, with the laws in force in the States concerned, or the failure to present the required documents, or the presentation of non-compliant documents, you must, at our request, reimburse us all amounts paid or recorded and any expenses thus incurred. For such reimbursements, we use the amounts paid to us for transport no paid or any amounts you would have paid us.

16.5. Customs controls

(a) If necessary, you will have to attend the inspection of your Baggage, checked or not, by customs or other governmental authority. We are not responsible for any damage or loss suffered as a result of your failure to comply with this provision.

(b) The passenger must indemnify the Carrier if an act, omission or negligence on his part causes damage to the Carrier due in particular to the non-compliance with this article or the authorization given to the Carrier to proceed with the inspection of his Baggage.

16.6. Security check

You must submit to all security checks required by governmental or airport authorities, by us or by a Carrier, as defined in Article 2 above

Article 17 - Transporteurs successifs

Le transport à effectuer par plusieurs Transporteurs successifs, sous couvert d'un seul Billet ou de plusieurs Billets émis conjointement, est considéré comme une opération unique, aux termes de la Convention. Dans ce cas, le premier et le dernier Transporteur assument respectivement, à l’égard de l’expéditeur et du destinataire, la responsabilité de tout ce qui est survenu pendant le transport.

Article 18 - Responsabilité pour Dommages

18.1. Considérations générales

Notre responsabilité ou celle de tout Transporteur, au sens de l'Article 2 ci-dessus, sera déterminée par les Conditions Générales de Transport du Transporteur émetteur du Billet, sauf dispositions contraires portées à votre connaissance. Une fois engagée, notre responsabilité le sera dans les conditions suivantes :

18.1.1 Textes applicables

Le transport effectué sous couvert des présentes Conditions Générales de Transport est soumis aux règles de responsabilité édictées par la Convention de Montréal ainsi qu'au Règlement (CE) N°2027/97du Conseil, relatif à la responsabilité des Transporteurs Aériens en cas d'accident, et modifié par le Règlement (CE) N°889/2002 du Parlement européen et du Conseil en date du 13 mai 2002.Sauf si dispositions expresses, conformes à la Convention, aucune des dispositions des présentes conditions n’emporte renonciation aux limitations ou exclusions de responsabilité édictées par la Convention et le droit en vigueur.

18.1.2 Exonération

(a) Dans le cas où le Transporteur prouve que la négligence, un autre acte ou l’omission préjudiciable de la personne qui demande réparation, ou de la personne dont elle tient ses droits a causé le dommage ou y a contribué, ce dernier est exonéré en tout ou en partie de sa responsabilité à l’égard de cette personne, dans la mesure où cette négligence ou cet autre acte, ou encore cette omission préjudiciable a causé le dommage ou y a contribué. Lorsqu’une demande en réparation est introduite par une personne autre que le Passager, en raison de la mort ou d’une lésion subie par ce dernier, le Transporteur est également exonéré en tout ou en partie de sa responsabilité dans la mesure où il prouve que la négligence ou un autre acte ou l’omission préjudiciable de ce Passager a causé le Dommage ou y a contribué. Le présent article s’applique à toutes les dispositions de la Convention en matière de responsabilité.

(b) Le transporteur ne peut en aucune manière être déclaré responsable pour les Dommages résultant de l'observation par le Transporteur de toutes dispositions légales ou réglementaires (lois, règlements, décisions, exigences et dispositions) ou de l'inobservation de ces mêmes dispositions par le Passager.

(c) La responsabilité du Transporteur ne peut être recherchée en cas de Dommages aux Bagages non enregistrées, à moins qu'un tel Dommage ne résulte directement de la faute du Transporteur, d'un de ses préposés ou mandataires, laquelle devra être prouvée par le Passager qui l'invoque.

(d) Le transporteur n'est pas responsable de toute maladie, blessure ou handicap, y compris le décès d'un Passager dus à la condition physique du Passager pas plus que de toute aggravation de ce même état.

18.1.3 Bénéfice des exclusions ou limitation de responsabilité

Dans la mesure où ce qui suit ne fait pas échec aux autres dispositions des présentes conditions, et que la Convention soit ou non applicable :Le Contrat de Transport, y compris ces Conditions Générales de Transport et toutes les exclusions ou limitations de responsabilité y figurant s’appliquent et bénéficient à nos Agents Agréés, nos employés et nos représentants, au propriétaire de l’avion utilisé par nous-mêmes, ainsi qu’aux agents employés et représentants de ce propriétaire. Le montant global recouvrable auprès des personnes susmentionnées ne pourra excéder le montant de notre responsabilité.

18.2. Dispositions particulières

18.2.1 Dommages corporels

(a) En conformité avec l'Article 17 §1 de la Convention, nous sommes responsables du dommage survenu en cas de mort, de blessure ou de toute autre lésion corporelle subie par un Passager, lorsque l'accident qui a causé la mort, la blessure ou la lésion s’est produit à bord de l’avion ou au cours de toutes opérations d’embarquement ou de débarquement, au sens de la Convention, et sous réserve des exonérations de responsabilité précisées ci-dessous.

(b) Pour les dommages corporels ne dépassant pas 113 100 Droits de Tirage Spéciaux (soit approximativement 123 300 €) par Passager, le Transporteur ne peut exclure ou limiter sa responsabilité, sauf dans les cas suivants :

  • si la mort, la blessure ou toute autre lésion corporelle survenue résulte de l’état de santé, physique ou mental du Passager, antérieur à son embarquement à bord de notre vol.
  • si le dommage a été causé, en tout ou en partie, par la faute du passager ou par son état de santé avant l’embarquement à bord de l’avion.
  • pour toute maladie, blessure, handicap, y compris la mort, dus à l’état pathologique physique préexistant du Passager, ni pour toute aggravation dudit état pathologique physique préexistant.
  • dans un cas d’exonération prévue à l’Article 18.1.2 des présentes conditions.

(c) Le Transporteur n’est pas responsable des dommages corporels dans la mesure où ils dépassent 113 100 Droits de Tirage Spéciaux (soit approximativement 123 300 €) par Passager s’il prouve que :

  • le dommage n’est pas dû à la négligence ou à un autre acte ou omission préjudiciable du Transporteur, de ses préposés ou de ses mandataires, ou
  • que le dommage résulte uniquement de la négligence ou d’un autre acte ou omission préjudiciable d’un tiers

(d) Le montant de notre responsabilité en cas de mort, de blessure ou de toute autre lésion corporelle d’un Passager au sens du paragraphe 2.1 a) ci-dessus, n’est soumis à aucune limitation. Le montant du dommage réparable couvrira la réparation du dommage, telle qu’elle aura été fixée par accord amiable, par voie d’expertise ou par les tribunaux compétents.Nous nous réservons tout droit de recours et de subrogation contre tout tiers.

(e) Avec toute la diligence nécessaire et en tout état de cause, au plus tard quinze jours après l’identification de la personne physique ayant droit à indemnisation, nous verserons à cette personne une avance lui permettant de faire face à ses besoins immédiats, en proportion du préjudice matériel subi.Sans préjudice du paragraphe précédent, l’avance n’est pas inférieure à l’équivalent en Euros de 16 000 DTS par Passager en cas de décès.Conformément aux textes en vigueur, le versement d’une avance ne constitue pas une reconnaissance de responsabilité, et l’avance peut être déduite de toute somme payée ultérieurement en fonction de notre responsabilité ; cette avance n’est pas remboursable, sauf dans les cas visés à l’Article 20 de la Convention de Montréal, ou lorsque la personne à laquelle la somme a été versée, n’a pas droit à indemnisation.

18.2.2 Retard

(a) Retard de Passager

Le transporteur ne sera pas responsable du dommage résultant d’un retard de Passager s'il prouve que lui et ses préposés ou mandataires ont pris toutes les mesures raisonnablement envisageables pour éviter le dommage ou qu’il était impossible de prendre de telles mesures.Le transporteur ne sera pas non plus responsable du dommage résultant du retard, lorsque celui-ci est imputable au passager ou s'il y a contribué, c'est-à-dire si le dommage résulte en tout ou partie, de la négligence, d'un acte ou d'une omission préjudiciable de la personne qui demande réparation ou de la personne dont elle tient ses droits.La responsabilité en cas de retard de passager est fixé par le règlement européen du 11 février 2004 et la convention de Montréal du 28 mai 1999.

(b) Retard de Bagage

Nous ne serons pas responsables du dommage résultant d’un retard de bagage ou de marchandises, si nous sommes en mesure de prouver que nous, nos préposés et mandataires, avons pris toutes les mesures nécessaires pour éviter le dommage, ou qu’il nous était impossible de les prendre.
La responsabilité en cas de retard dans la livraison des Bagages enregistrés est limitée à 1 131 DTS (Droits de Tirage spéciaux - 1 233 €).

18.2.3 Destruction, perte ou détérioration des bagages

(a) Bagages enregistrés

Nous serons responsables du dommage survenu en cas de destruction, perte ou avarie de Bagage enregistré, dès lors que la perte, l’avarie ou la destruction s’est produite à bord de l’avion, ou au cours de toute période durant laquelle le Bagage enregistré est sous notre garde.Nous ne serons pas responsables du Dommage survenu à votre Bagage, lorsque ce Dommage résulte de la nature ou du vice propre du Bagage. Si vos biens sont la cause de préjudice causé à une autre personne ou à nous-mêmes, vous devrez nous indemniser pour toutes les pertes subies, et les dépenses encourues par nous de ce fait.

(b) Bagage non enregistré

Dans le cas de bagage non enregistré, notamment d’effets personnels, notre responsabilité est engagée dès lors que le dommage résulte de notre faute, ou de celle de nos préposés ou mandataires.

(c) Montant du Dommage réparable

Notre responsabilité en cas de destruction, perte ou avarie Bagage est limitée à 1131 DTS (Droits de Tirage spéciaux) (soit approximativement 1233 €) par passager, sauf si une Déclaration Spéciale d’Intérêt a été faite au moment de l’enregistrement du Bagage par le Passager, moyennant le paiement d’une somme supplémentaire, conformément à l’Article 11.4.4 ci-dessus.

18.2.4 Délais de protestation et d'action en responsabilité

(a) Notification des protestations pour les Bagages

1. La réception du Bagage enregistré par le Passager sans contestation de sa part constituera présomption, sauf preuve du contraire, que le Bagage a été livré en bon état et conformément au titre de transport, ou aux indications consignées par les autres moyens visés à l’Article 3, paragraphe 2, et à l’Article 4, paragraphe 2 de la Convention de Montréal.

2. En cas d’avarie, le Passager doit adresser au Transporteur une protestation immédiatement après la découverte de l’avarie, et au plus tard, dans un délai de sept jours pour un Bagage enregistré à compter de sa date de réception. En cas de retard, la protestation devra être faite au plus tard dans un délai de vingt et un jours à compter du jour ou le Bagage sera mis à disposition.

3. A défaut de protestation dans les délais prévus, toutes les actions contre le Transporteur sont irrecevables, sauf le cas de fraude de celui-ci.

4. Dès réception de la protestation, nous établirons un "Constat de Dommage ou de Perte", éventuellement assorti de réserves.

(b) Action en responsabilité pour les passagers
Toute action en dommages et intérêts doit être intentée, sous peine de prescription, dans un délai de deux ans à compter de l'arrivée à destination, ou suivant la date à laquelle l’avion aurait dû atterrir.

(c) Forme
Toutes réclamations ou actions mentionnées aux paragraphes (a) et (b) ci-dessus doivent être faites par écrit, dans les délais indiqués.

(d) Modification et suppression
Aucun de nos Agents Accrédités, employés ou représentants n'est autorisé à changer, modifier ou supprimer l'une quelconque des dispositions de ces Conditions Générales de Transport.